Horizon 2020

Think carefully: what can a European Innovation Council add?

Setting up a body to do for innovation what the European Research Council has done for science won’t work. Support for research and support for innovation are two different realms, Peter Tindemans, secretary general of Euroscience tells Science|Business
12 Jan 2016

UK scientists throw weight behind EU membership

Submissions to an ongoing House of Lords inquiry point to massive support for EU membership among UK scientists, universities, medical research charities and industry, while the campaign group Vote Leave has set out its view on why an exit from the EU would benefit UK science
07 Jan 2016

Moedas advances plans for new European Innovation Council

As 2016 gets under way, the EU Research Commissioner will start to lay the foundations for an ambitious new institute. The aim is to create a cohesive pan-European body for innovation that will parallel what the European Research Council has done for science
05 Jan 2016