A new declaration warns that research outputs are still not readily available for reuse, leading to less efficient use of resources. A fresh push is needed to set up open data repositories
Some research lobbies are concerned the decision to publish less information on Commission staff will make their work more complicated, saying ‘it is very much to the detriment of the research & innovation community.’ Others don’t care so much
The Research Data Alliance has been working for ten years to build a global infrastructure allowing researchers and innovators to openly share data. Its director Hilary Hanahoe tells Science|Business about plans for the future in a rapidly changing world
US National Science Foundation says it is developing a programme to study research security scientifically – with data on the actual scale and scope of lab leaks
In an attempt to get more value out of the basic research it funds, the EU is organising hackathons to transform the raw data generated into products and services
With parliament voting through the EU Data Act, it is edging towards adoption. But universities say that as things stand it represents a missed opportunity for research and innovation in the public sector
The EU has ambitions to set up a shared system giving researchers cross-border access to large amounts of health data. Parliament wants to make sure it’s trusted and robust
Success rates are up, UK and Swiss participation down, and Widening countries edge up to the EU 27 average. And on the third anniversary of Brexit, the UK’s five top universities, usually among the biggest winners of EU R&D funding, are feeling the pinch
Researchers don’t have the money, infrastructure or coordination of standards to get to grips with an unregulated information environment. A new, centralised and properly resourced research institute is needed
New study calls for more public involvement in the design of big data medical research projects such as DNA databanks and epidemiological studies based on healthcare records, allowing research to continue whilst protecting individual privacy
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