A UCL-led consortium has been awarded £4m to establish a new national High Performance Computing (HPC) facility for the Materials and Molecular Modelling community.
Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a new cell culture method, which may very well enable to forgo certain tests on animals in the future. The scientists were awarded an international prize for more humane treatment of laboratory animals.
Earlier this autumn, the Karolinska Institutet board (konsistoriet) asked Acting Vice-Chancellor Karin Dahlman-Wright to draft an action plan in response to the recommendations made by Heckscher’s independent inquiry into KI’s handling of the Macchiarini affair.
The proposed thermal-energy storage (TES) system provides active control of the heat-transfer fluid outflow temperature. Therefore, the TES system can be discharged at constant power and temperature even in the presence of fluctuations in the thermal input during charging.
Amsterdam-based knowledge institutes and the municipality of Amsterdam will invest heavily in making scientific knowledge and technology available for societal and economic applications
The aim of the initiative is to encourage the transformation of the public sector by training public-sector professionals, organising debates and promoting research
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