Nuala Moran

Stem cell scandal: shockwaves hit UK

The UK's stem cell community has reacted with collective dismay at the final confirmation that Hwang Woo-suk's claims to have generated patient-specific embryonic stem cell lines were fraudulent. Nuala Moran takes a look.
18 Jan 2006

UK spin-out spins back

Just as most public research bodies embrace commercialisation as their raison d'etre, the UK Medical Research Council is reversing the trend and taking a company it span out earlier back within its fold.
04 Jan 2006

Edinburgh team deactivates cross-contaminating prions

Scientists at Edinburgh University have developed a new method for cleaning surgical instruments that entirely removes protein contamination, including the near-indestructible prions - the agents that cause mad cow disease
04 Jan 2006

Stem cells – the quick guide

What are stem cells, what could they do - and why are investors wary of putting their money in them? A lay guide to the technology
07 Dec 2005