Nuala Moran

It’s gene therapy, stupid

It is time to drop euphemisms like DNA medicines and gene-based medicines. Gene therapy, says Nuala Moran, has made it through to the commercial mainstream.
03 Apr 2007

Inside the market-friendly university

As Science|Business launches its report on demand-driven innovation, we take a look how two universities are changing their structures in a bid to become innovation friendly.
27 Mar 2007

Europe’s GM crops row ignites anew

A tale of two cities: as the industry in Lyon trumpeted the benefits of biotech, MEPs in Strasbourg looked the other way, and declined to debate them
13 Mar 2007

Can VCs mix profit and sustainability?

A new and fast-growing sector of the private equity market aims to fund companies that put sustainability at their heart. A first survey of the field shows how.
01 Mar 2007

Investors renew appetite for start-ups

Venture capitalists are on a roll: in the past week two more firms confirmed the closing of significant new funds, to add to five others announced this year.
20 Feb 2007