Politicians must not be allowed to harness fears around artificial intelligence to divide people, says Dragoș Tudorache MEP, who is leading Europe’s charge to regulate this powerful technology
Following the Russian invasion, the latest grants awarded by the European Defence Fund back technologies to improve the security of Europe. That is in contrast to earlier awards when the emphasis was on expeditionary capabilities
Industry welcomes declaration of intent to work together on research and stimulate international trade in hydrogen. And the agreement is seen as helping to re-establish research cooperation that was undermined by Brexit
Shared values and principles did not stop the US and Europe going down different paths in data protection legislation. There is a risk that despite moves to promote harmonisation the same thing will happen in AI
Although they can once again fully engage in the large-scale, cross sector projects, UK companies joining as the half-way point is reached may find it hard to become fully integrated – and doubts remain over funding
The race is on to be the first to launch a satellite from a base in Europe, but private space start-ups are finding it hard to get the investment they need for lift off - and to build a competitive EU sector
Subsidies will not be enough to decarbononise industry. Instead the EU needs a scheme offering loan guarantees to de-risk and scale up green technologies
In her speech to MEPs, Ursula von der Leyen also called for an equivalent body to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, with a brief to ‘set minimum global standards” for safe and ethical use of AI
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