The government invested more than C$1B in quantum research from 2009 – 2020, following up with C$360M for a national quantum strategy in 2021. The sector is seen as key to the economy, as the science matures and more sectors adopt the technology
NSF Engines, a new programme of the US National Science Foundation, aims to spread the tech wealth more broadly across the nation – tackling a regional policy problem common to many countries
The last of the American Recovery stimulus money aimed at helping the US regain the lead in solar power was doled out last month, but done so under the cloud of failed solar company Solyndra
Quarterly venture capital investment in the US hit a three-year high in the second quarter of this year, in stark contrast to record low deals in Europe in the first half of 2011
When the US Congress reconvenes next month, the Patent Reform Act of 2011 - the first major overhaul of the American patent system since 1952 - will be top of its agenda.
It may be top of the pile, but Massachusetts is facing stiff competition from other US states eager to attract foreign partners to their biotech clusters. Now it is piecing together new deals with European partners in an effort to stay on top.
Karolinska Institutet is making major efforts to enhance its technology transfer and commercialisation system, and is currently working on a long-term strategy for innovation and research
There’s a real opportunity for the European Parliament and US Congress to work together on research, standards and regulations to improve the overall climate for innovation, says Bart Gordon, former chairman of the US House Committee on Science and Technology.
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