Charles Goldfinger

Open source in biotechnology: Return to the origin?

Biology Information Open Source's promoter, Richard Jefferson, asserts that BIOS is explicitly modelled after the Open Source initiative in software. But science is grounded in open exchange and the sharing of information, so what is the point of BIOS and other initiatives such as Science Commons?
12 Jun 2006

An intellectual property gladiator

Intellectual property battles are not always settled in the marketplace. Epic, life-and-death struggles often take place in the judicial arena.
24 May 2006

Intellectual property and the WHO: Wither patents?

This week, from May 22 to May 27, the World Health Organisation (WHO) holds its Annual Assembly meeting in Geneva, which brings together representatives from all 192 member countries. As usual for such an august gathering, it will cover a wide variety of topics, including the controversial issue of intellectual property.
22 May 2006

China and Intellectual Property: Good news for a change

On May 12, it was announced that that an "innovative", "homegrown" digital signal processor (DSP) chip, to be designed and manufactured in China, was a fraud. Even more interesting is that the announcement was made by not by a Western agency or international body, but by the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).
20 May 2006

A good biotech business…out of Poland?

If you think it’s hard to do a biotech start up, try doing it in Poland. You’ll face international condescension, local incredulity and the mysteries of Polish law, says Charles Goldfinger.
15 Feb 2006