In this special reference report, commissioned by Huawei, Science|Business examines 10 tech clusters, which provide case studies on the integration of information and communications technologies (ICT) into an economy, and of a region into the wider world.
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This special report profiles the ten clusters, analyses their success factors, and draws lessons for both national and EU policy makers. To that end, each profile scores the tech cluster on five areas of policy, drawing on Science|Business research, the relevant rankings of the World Economic Forum and data from Invest Europe (formerly the European Venture Capital Association) tracking the extent of public sector involvement in private equity.
The cluster profiles also feature snapshots of key local players and relevant statistics, such as the proportion of the working population employed in high-tech jobs, enabling readers to compare one hub with another across a range of metrics. Finally, each profile includes an interview with a local visionary, yielding valuable insights into where Europe’s tech hubs are headed next.