This report combines new research and analysis on open innovation with focused interviews of major participants in the European innovation system. The recommendations comprise an informal ‘charter’ for EU open innovation policy. The study was conducted by Prof. Henry Chesbrough of ESADE Business School and the University of California, Berkeley and Prof. Wim Vanhaverbeke, of ESADE in Barcelona, Vlerick Management School and the University of Hasselt, in Belgium.
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Prof. Chesbrough is a world expert on ‘open innovation’, an increasingly common model for collaborative, multi-partner research. He popularised the term in a best-selling 2003 book, and has since studied, advised and lectured on the topic around the world. This report was commissioned by ESADE Business School in Barcelona and the Science|Business Innovation Board AISBL. The Board is a Belgian not-for-profit scientific association that commissions original policy research, engages with policy-makers and the press, and works generally to improve the climate for innovation in Europe. Its three co-founders are Science|Business, ESADE and INSEAD, with participation and support from Microsoft, BP, SKF and Imperial College London. In addition, Pfizer contributed support for this particular study.