27 Sep 2022

The future of data-driven healthcare

Innovative collection and use of health data will play a vital role in Europe’s future approach to medicines evaluation and regulation. This report explores what the EU can learn from Denmark, one of the world’s leaders in health data systems and strategies.

Sponsored by the Science|Business Future-Proofing Medicines initiative

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Supported by the Science|Business Future-Proofing Medicines initiative


This paper summarises a high-level roundtable discussion titled “The power of data: Developing Europe’s next generation of medicines and health technologies”, among representatives from the European Union institutions, Danish government officials, scientists, health R&D cluster leaders, and industry executives. The roundtable took place in Copenhagen on 27 June 2022, hosted by Science|Business in partnership with the steering group members of its Future-Proofing Medicines initiative. This report is ultimately a product of Science|Business. 
