Former Italian prime minister calls for R&I to be at the core of the EU single market, but leading MEP worries it could lead to a top-down approach to technology and science
Science|Business sits down with two ministers from Poland’s Ministry of Science and Higher Education to discuss the future of European research and the necessity of dual-use technologies
For too long the EU has been chasing – too late – after US Big Tech. With the next Framework Programme, Europe should get ahead of the game and harness its own creativity
The head of the EU's research directorate Marc Lemaître bemoans the size of the funding gap that opened up in the early – pre-inflationary - years of the framework programme
In an interview with Science|Business, Iliana Ivanova outlines her goals for the rest of her term, where Europe stands in the global technology race - and the need to discuss if dual use military/civilian research should feature in FP10
The European Commission is seeking comment on the idea of including dual-use, defence-related technologies in the next Framework Programme. The University of Bergen rector sees this as problematic
Several countries from the western Balkans could end up joining the bloc during the lifespan of the next research framework programme, and there arecalls for them to have input on how it is designed
As interest groups start lobbying on Horizon Europe’s successor, there is a call for an end to institutions with an inside track in Brussels getting an early view of what research will be funded
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