Changes to Horizon Europe’s 2023/24 work programme will see new calls to Pillar 2 and a top-up for Missions, while fresh life is breathed into the New European Bauhaus
The Commission’s guide to the next phase of EU’s R&I framework programme was published this week. It includes new partnerships, a research security section and a beefed up context for the EU missions
The Horizon Europe Missions are facing a wave of criticism. But are the alleged flaws intrinsic to the missions concept, or are they the result of missteps in implementation that can be resolved? I believe it is the latter
Anyone with a knowledge of the recent history of innovation policy could have predicted the broad-brush Missions set up under Horizon Europe would not have a smooth ride. With preparations for Framework Programme 10 underway, it is time for a rethink
Otmar Wiestler wants the next framework programme to include EU-wide efforts to take industrial leadership in new technologies. He’s also not in “fundamental opposition” to military dual use research calls in Horizon Europe’s successor
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