European and Japanese scientists will fine tune their scientific models on each other’s machines, hopefully boosting performance and future-proofing code. It’s the latest push from Brussels to create stronger research links with ‘like-minded’ democracies
Brussels should aim to increase the dependence of other powers on the EU, not just reduce its own dependencies. This means investing to stay ahead where it dominates key parts of supply chains
The Commission looks to extend the Arise funding scheme for early career researchers in Africa, as France’s Research Institute for Development leads talks on a new research alliance
Canada is closest to a deal for access to EU R&D programme. Japan, South Korea and Switzerland are also in line. But local political and budget issues may make access slower than researchers hope
Washington makes last-minute decision to temporarily renew the deal for six months as it faces pressure to address concerns over research data restrictions and military use. Experts give Science|Business their views on what should change
A report from a recent conference looking at the impact of war one year on, calls for measures to protect science systems in times of crisis - starting with Ukraine
OECD halts publication of China’s science statistics citing ‘anomalies’, but a Chinese official says error is partly to blame and it’s being fixed. EU and US statisticians confess confusion
Following a fact-finding mission to Kyiv – that included retreating to the bomb shelter at the Ministry of Education and Science during a missile attack - researchers are appealing to the EU to scale-up its support for scientists in Ukraine
EU research ministers are to focus on embedding science in key policy areas and on research cooperation in the Mediterranean and Latin America during Spain’s six-month stint leading the Council
Increased checks on international research partnerships are having a chilling effect, with researchers deterred from involving scientists in China and a change in attitude to the work of scientists of Chinese descent in Canada
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