The European Parliament calls for an ‘internationalisation strategy’ to create a single set of rules for small companies - and unleash entrepreneurial potential
Increasing investments in research should not be considered as making the debt or deficit higher - they are essential to generate more wealth and competitiveness. This will provide rapid returns and contribute to a better balance sheet, says Antonio Tajani.
The European Commission should shift funding towards smaller enterprises that cannot participate in Horizon 2020, says the European Parliament’s rapporteur on a new SME initiative
France’s small biopharmaceutical and life science companies have been weakened by the financial crisis and had to face a drastic drop in investment in 2009.
With traditional forms of lending to SMEs in short supply, the UK's Forum of Private Business says that a move away from bank lending could help many firms.
More than 2,000 UK technology companies have bid for grants to fund proof of concept projects, in a competition organised by the Technology Strategy Board.
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