Finding a compromise on the EU’s next budget is no doubt a highly complex task. But after the lean years since the 2008 crash, there must be a commitment to increasing investment in research, innovation and higher education
A complex compromise fashioned by the new Council president runs into political opposition as budget summit approaches. It’s time to end the ‘liar’s poker’, says MEP Ehler
Innovation clusters could thread multiple EU funding streams together to promote regional development. But those on the ground say fragmented schemes make this impossible, and reforms can’t go ahead until the 2021 – 27 budget is agreed
The hold up in agreeing the EU’s next seven year financial framework means there will be a hiatus in grant awards between the two Horizon R&D programmes
Researchers’ optimism over proposals for minor cuts to Horizon Europe may be premature as EU countries remain deadlocked over cohesion funds for poorer regions
Ahead of crunch talks this week, a growing chorus of leaders in Brussels is calling on member states to agree a spending plan that matches EU ambitions in science, digital technologies and greening the continent
EU institutions strike late-night deal on €13.5B budget for research in 2020 - but ’27 Margaret Thatchers around the table’ are considering budget cuts from 2021
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