The EU biotech and biomanufacturing initiative due to be published later this month is an opportunity to take urgent and immediate action to support the scale up of the sector
MEPs have approved plans to loosen regulations around crop plants that are improved using gene editing, but a move to ban patenting of plants that are modified using these techniques could stand in the way of a final agreement
The head of a biotech start-up tells how the war has upended his company and the wider Israeli ecosystem. The normal rules of capitalism have been relaxed, with rival start-ups and venture capitalists now helping each other out
As part of measures regulating artificial intelligence, Washington will move to improve surveillance of mail-order DNA. Scientists have long warned the current global system is full of loopholes. Now, the US government says the risks are ‘potentially made worse by AI’
The Commission is set to update legislation on genetic engineering of crops, with its proposal to be presented in July. There will be opposition from environmental groups that want the 2001 blanket ban to be retained
As it gets easier to engineer deadly pathogens, the International Biosecurity and Biosafety Initiative for Science wants tighter controls on custom-order DNA companies, and an end to the current ‘checkbox’ approach to lab safety
As elections near, Biden promotes ‘whole-of-government’ effort to cut cancer death rates and strengthen the biopharma and biotech sectors. International partners welcome, up to a point
WHO is creating new guidelines to stop lab leaks and the development of bioweapons. But scientists, focused on projects and funding, see only the benefits, rather than the risks, of their work, report warns.
A White House body wants more research into lab safety measures, while the Commission has asked member states to review their rules. But action has so far been limited
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