Some research lobbies are concerned the decision to publish less information on Commission staff will make their work more complicated, saying ‘it is very much to the detriment of the research & innovation community.’ Others don’t care so much
The Research Data Alliance has been working for ten years to build a global infrastructure allowing researchers and innovators to openly share data. Its director Hilary Hanahoe tells Science|Business about plans for the future in a rapidly changing world
Policymakers, companies and civil society on both sides of the Atlantic worry that in the absence of proper regulation, generative artificial intelligence will pose significant threats. The Commission is promoting a voluntary code of conduct to fill the legislative void
A compromise is reached after member states vetoed the transfer of €400M from the EU research programme. €325M for the €3.3B initiative to reboot semiconductor manufacturing in the EU will come from Digital Europe
The UK is diverging from the EU in its proposed light-touch approach to AI regulation. The plan is going down well with companies, but much still depends on how it is implemented
US National Science Foundation says it is developing a programme to study research security scientifically – with data on the actual scale and scope of lab leaks
Rather than creating a new single regulator, existing oversight bodies will tailor the rules to suit specific sectors. Five guiding principles will be applied to ensure safe and appropriate implementation of the technology
In an attempt to get more value out of the basic research it funds, the EU is organising hackathons to transform the raw data generated into products and services
Free advice and funding for the earliest stages of company formation will help Dutch academics shape up their research and make it attractive to private investors
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