EUREKA Turbo – bigger projects, shorter time to contract

19 Jan 2017 | Network Updates | Update from Eureka Network
These updates are republished press releases and communications from members of the Science|Business Network

EUREKA launched a first pilot call of its Turbo call on 17 January 2016. Targeting larger projects, the EUREKA Turbo call is open to applications from all fields of technology.

Thanks to a coordinated evaluation process, the ambition is to have a maximum six months from application to securing the funding contract. The participating countries Austria, Denmark, Finland, France and Spain have secured sufficient funding for qualified projects.

Aiming for a larger scale, a typical EUREKA Turbo project is expected to include participants from 2-3 participating countries and 4-6 partners. The budget for a EUREKA Turbo project is expected to be €2-5 M depending on the number of partners for project duration of 36 months.

“With EUREKA Turbo Denmark re-enters EUREKA as an active partner in EUREKA network projects. The new concept of synchronized application, coordinated evaluation and short time to contract has made EUREKA Turbo an attractive platform for our participation,” says Danish national project coordinator (NPC) Jens Peter Vittrup.

“For the Spanish EUREKA Chair, TURBO perfectly fits into our Upgrade EUREKA priority. Its main goal is to adapt the existing EUREKA instruments to the current needs of our industry to make them more useful. TURBO will improve two key factors linked to any international call, time to contract and public funding committed.”, says Oscar Fernandez Moyano, current NPC chairman under the Spanish EUREKA chairmanship.

Further information on the call, full eligibility criteria and NPC contacts

The NPC can help advising applicants and in some case recommend national partners.

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