Time is running out to register for the 2nd UNI-SET Energy Clustering Event (ECEE)
Organised in the framework of the UNI-SET project, the event will be hosted by the Politecnico di Torino in Turin, Italy, from 26 to 28 September 2016. The registration deadline is 14 September.
This ECE, entitled “Universities in the Energy Transition: Focus on Energy Efficient Systems and Nuclear Safety,” is the second in a series of six events in the field of energy, the UNI-SET ECEs, which take place in 2016 and 2017. The ECEs, organised by EUA in collaboration with KU Leuven, seek to stimulate discussion among university leaders from different disciplines in order to explore the development of innovative and multidisciplinary research and education programmes. The events aim to mobilise the European university community to tackle energy and climate challenges, and create a series of roadmaps on bettering the contribution of European universities to the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) and the Energy Union.
The event in Turin is expected to bring the validation of the general “European Roadmap for Universities in Energy”, which came from the discussions at the first ECE at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Trondheim, 24-26 February 2016) coordinated by the UNI-SET Steering Committee. Another major objective is to agree on an outline of a European roadmap for universities in the fields of energy efficiency and nuclear safety, in line with the general roadmap. As the series of ECEs advances, EUA and its partners will draft roadmaps for all the SET-Plan priorities.
The UNI-SET Steering Committee is embedding in the programmes of the ECEs specific sessions aimed at “clustering” knowledge, in which research and education leaders from different disciplines will present their views on the specific priorities of the SET-Plan.
EUA encourages all university leaders in the field of energy to take an active part in the discussions on the roadmaps and knowledge clustering.
The event in Turin is free of charge. To register, please see the event page on the EUA website.
The 3rd ECE, scheduled for 21 to 23 November 2016 in Bucharest, Romania, will address the SET-Plan priority “Smart EU energy system with consumers at the centre”.
To learn more about the UNI-SET project, please click here.