Karolinska: Role of the Ethics Council to be reviewed

10 Mar 2016 | Network Updates
The acting vice-chancellor and the university director met with the Ethics Council. Recent events have accentuated that there is a need to clarify and revitalise work with research ethics at KI.

There was a general agreement that the council’s role should be reviewed and perhaps extended. As soon as the future tasks for the council have been decided it will be necessary to review the competences that will be needed for the Ethics Council’s future work.

“Karolinska Institutet is a university where ethical issues are of central importance. Recent events have accentuated the importance of KI’s work with ethical questions and fundamental values”, says acting vice-chancellor Karin Dahlman-Wright.

Within a couple of weeks I anticipate to have appointed the person to review the council’s role with the aim of having a final proposal for a new organization before the summer. In association with appointing a new Ethics Council, the present council members will be asked whether they are available to potentially serve in a future organization for ethical questions at KI.

Read more about the Ethics Council on KI's internal website

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