Technology licensing online from Glasgow University

18 Sep 2006 | News
Glasgow University has introduced an online licensing agreement system on its technology commercialisation web site in a bid to make it easier for SMEs to access its research

Glasgow University has introduced an online licensing agreement system on its technology commercialisation web site in a bid to make it easier for SMEs to access its research. lists and describes university technology for hire, states the payment terms and allows would be licensees to download a licensing agreement.

Only some technologies are available with standard terms and conditions, but for those that are, users are invited to print two copies of the licence agreement, fill in the blanks and post the agreement back to the university.

The university then sends an invoice for the upfront fee and forwards any tangible property associated with the licence.

The service has been set up with a £225,000 grant from the Scottish Executive and Strathclyde European Partnership, awarded last year to develop a web site that would make it easier for companies, particularly SMEs, to access technology licences, know-how and expertise from the university.

The University of Glasgow is piloting the web site on behalf of the Scottish Higher Education and Research sector, in collaboration with Scottish Higher Education Funding Council.

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