The organisation works with existing regional cluster across Europe, focussing on ICT, Energy and Biotechnology.
SMEs that want to take part in FP7 are encouraged to develop ideas for new research projects and to submit expressions of interest for third party projects. These ideas are reviewed on a confidential basis each month by a panel of FP experts who provide direct feedback on the suitability of each idea for FP7.
An on-line partner search, then alerts all suitable SMEs on the database of over 1,000 members, who can respond, or not with an Expression of Interest.
DETECT-it 2 welcomes the involvement of academic researchers who interested in drawing up proposals for (FP7).
The first calls in FP7 were published on 22 December 2006 and DETECT-it 2 is working with some 50 ideas for possible research projects.
Detect-it 2 is a network of 26 partners in 15 countries, including 17 business Innovation Centres. The coordinator is EBN (European BIC Network) www.ebn.be
To participate, log on to www.detect-it.org.