Under iMERA-Plus, the Commission will put in €21 million from Framework Programme 7, to support joint research projects by 32 national metrology institutions. Member states will contribute a further €42 million.
The Commission also said it will give € 9 million to BONUS+, a specific research programme to develop an ecosystem-based approach to management of the Baltic Sea, which will involve eight member states that border the Baltic, and Russia. The countries concerned will contribute a further €18.7 million.
BONUS+ should ensure a better future for an inland sea which, since the enlargement of the European Union in 2004, is almost totally surrounded by EU member states.
“These two initiatives involve member states pooling research programmes in very concrete areas, with top-up funding from the European budget,” said European Science and Research Commissioner Janez Potočnik.
“They mark another step in the direction of reinforcing ERA. Borders are becoming less and less relevant for research cooperation, not only between researchers but also between those who fund research.”
Potocnik added that during 2008 the Commission will be making further proposals about how member states can work together in organising their research. These will be based on the consultation on the ERA Green Paper that took place in 2007.