Press release from University College Dublin
Dr Pat Frain, Director of NovaUCD, the Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre at University College Dublin has been elected Chair of ProTon Europe. ProTon Europe is the pan-European network of knowledge transfer offices, national knowledge transfer associations and companies affiliated to universities and other public research organisations. ProTon Europe has over 250 direct member institutions in 28 European countries employing some 2000 knowledge transfer professionals. Dr Frain is the first Irishman to chair ProTon Europe.
ProTon Europe was established in 2002 to promote innovation by increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of knowledge transfer and university-industry collaboration across Europe. Through the representation of national associations at a European level ProTon Europe offers its members an opportunity to develop, inform and influence European policy relating to knowledge transfer.
ProTon Europe also supports the professional development of knowledge transfer offices across Europe through the exchange of best practice, staff exchanges, the delivery of appropriate training and networking.
On being elected Chair Dr Frain said, “European competitiveness and sustained economic growth and prosperity are increasingly dependent on the generation of new innovative products and services, many of which have their origins in the knowledge created through research undertaken in universities and other public research organisations. In recent years, it has become increasingly clear that successful knowledge transfer is dependent on the development of a strong profession and the generation of partnerships between those who create knowledge and those who exploit it for the benefit of the economy and society.”
Dr Frain added, “While long-term strategic partnerships are most effective, true partnership depends on trust and commitment, which are dependent on strong personal relationships and shared values.”