Heriot-Watt: Probiotics to improve fish health and appetite

22 Jul 2008 | News

Commercialisation opportunity

Researchers at Heriot-Watt University in Scotland have developed a range of probiotic microorganisms which protect fish against diseases such as furunculosis, enteric redmouth disease, streptococcosis, vibriosis and winter ulcer disease. In addition, these organisms act as a dietary supplement, enhance the growth and health of a wide range of fish species.

The probiotic would be suitable for use in fish farming and for ornamental fish. It will reduce the need to treat many diseases with antibiotics, having been shown to be active against a number of fish diseases for a wide range of fish species. To date there is no evidence of disease resistance.

The probiotic microoganisms can be added directly to the fishes’ regular food and acts as a nutritional supplement as well as controlling disease. Heriot-Watt is now looking for commercialisation partners.

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