New software for managing metabolimics data

11 Nov 2008 | News

Research lead

Biochemists and computer scientists at Royal Holloway,University of London have have joined forces to develope BioSynLab, a software tool for the analysisof large metabolic datasets that it is claimed reduces dramatically the time required for the analysis. It is designed to help scientists visualise and prepare for publication, metabolomic data generated from a number of different analytical techniques.

Metabolomics, the measurement and analysis of metabolites such as sugars and fats, in cells at specific times and under specific conditions, overlaps with biology, chemistry, mathematics, and computer science and is increasing viewed as being central to drug discovery and development.

Peter Bramley, Head of the School of Biological Sciences, said BioSynLab represents an “advance in our ability to analyse large and complex metabolite datasets in a user-friendly fashion and one that allows complete flexibility to tailor the pathways as we wish.”

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