Cambridge ranked top for tech transfer in the UK

07 Dec 2008 | Network Updates

Cambridge University has been ranked first for its technology transfer performance by business research firm Library House, in a week where three companies from the university’s investment portfolio won European, national and regional awards.

The Library House Cambridge Cluster Report 2008 showed that Cambridge University generated £49.4 million from collaborative research during the last academic year. Cambridge Enterprise Limited, the commercialisation arm of the University, saw an increase in licensing income to £3.4 million, in addition to spin-out activities creating 944 new jobs in the region.

The study also showed that the Cambridge Enterprise’s Seed Funds was ranked joint ninth for new spin-out formation, having launched two firms in 2006-07, and was ranked third for the number of active enterprises, of which it has 45.

The report stated: “The University of Cambridge is very active in knowledge transfer with business, as previously reported by Library House, and is particularly outstanding in terms of collaborative research, licensing, and spin-out activity.”

In the same week the report was published, three of the 68 companies managed by the Cambridge Enterprise Seed Funds team and Investment Committee received awards.

Horizon Discovery beat 500 other entrants to land the Best Business Proposition Medical Futures Innovation Award. Andrew Lynn, Chief Executive of Orthomimetics Limited, was announced as winner of the Chemistry/Materials award at the inaugural ACES Academic Enterprise Awards 2008. Lastly, Sentinel Oncology won the Discovery and Development category of the 2008 ERBI Biotech Regional Awards.

Teri Willey, Chief Executive of Cambridge Enterprise, said: “These three companies are excellent examples of individual success stories behind the Library House numbers. They are made possible through the dedicated work of university scientists who put patient benefit as their number one reason for setting up their company, working in concert with equally dedicated seed investors and managers. We are immensely proud to be associated with these companies and applaud them for performance that would be excellent in any environment, let alone such interesting economic times.”

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