Karolinska scouting for lecturer in biotech entrepreneurship

22 Apr 2009 | Network Updates

The Karolinska Institutet (KI) is canvassing for suggestions of suitable candidates for the position of Senior Lecturer in Bioentrepreneurship.

The Institutet has a strong tradition of research and innovation in healthcare and medical science, and being located there will give the successful candidate access to observe innovation and entrepreneurship within the life sciences at first hand, providing exposure to the real-life problems of technology transfer and commercialisation.

Bioentrepreneurship is a multidisciplinary field of research, bringing together various theoretical research approaches, such as entrepreneurship, innovation, organisation, management, strategy, intellectual property, networks, collaboration and product development, in the context of Life Science. The research group at KI has a deep interest in the different theoretical and practical problems that exist within the Life Science industry, and the interface between this industry, academic research and healthcare.  

Apart from research, the assignment includes supervision of doctoral and masters students, and teaching for 20 per cent of the time in bioentrepreneurship and innovation. The successful candidate will be part of the Unit for Bioentrepreneurship (UBE) at the department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME). UBE aims to increase the awareness of entrepreneurship and offer hands-on tools. The long-term mission is optimise the transfer of knowledge from medical research to the community as an active part of the innovation system at KI.

For more information on the post, see http://jobb.ki.se/external/ad/showAdLector.asp?adId=2526


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