Genespark - Fast and scaleable molecular labelling

10 Jun 2009 | News

Collaborative opportunity | Licensing opportunity

Genespark, a molecular labelling technology originally discovered at Robert Gordon University, Scotland, and advanced under the Scottish Enterprise Proof of Concept programme, is available for license and collaboration whilst a CEO is recruited to lead the company.

Genespark is a fast fluorescent molecular labelling technology with unlimited multiplex scalability. An earlier version is now being used in anti-fraud applications. Work on the technology, which is suitable for a range of applications including human diagnostics, began in 2004.

Genespark has an unlimited number of narrow spectra fluorescent emissions, allowing a large number of distinct labels in a single multiplex assay. In addition, the fast processing and detection time moves diagnostic testing closer to the point of care and the multiplex capability can be scaled up without increasing the processing time.

Each Genespark has a modifiable emission intensity, providing different decay times and thus adding to the target identification profile. The technique is so sensitive that it is not necessary to amplify the DNA sample through PCR (polymerase chain reaction) before testing.

For more information, view the project’s page at:

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