The objective is to reinforce Finland’s position as one of Europe’s leading centres in printed electronics and optical measurement technology and encourage the formation of companies in the Oulu region, which is famous for its electronics expertise.
PrintoCent advances the results of research and development projects into commercial applications with the help of prototypes and product demonstrators.
The project, funded by the European regional development fund, the State Provincial Office of Oulu’s education department, the City of Oulu and companies, is building a pilot manufacturing environment for printed electronics and diagnostics.
Harri Kopola, of the Finnish innovation agency VTT, which co-founded PrintoCent, said, “The funding provides us with an opportunity to build the leading innovation environment in Europe. Now, we have the tools for taking the next step in the product industrialisation path.”
PrintoCent was founded by VTT, the University of Oulu, Oulu University of Applied Sciences and Oulu Innovation Oy. It is part of the Oulu Innovation Centre, which was established in February.