New interactive software for language learning

01 Jul 2009 | News

Licensing opportunity | Development opportunity

Researchers at Edinburgh University have developed an interactive software learning tool, called SPELL that combines automatic speech recognition with 3D virtual reality teachers, creating an immersive environment for language learning for beginners in French, Italian, Japanese and English for Mandarin speakers.

SPELL presents a 3D world in which learners talk to human-like computer characters in the language they are learning. The characters understand what the learners are saying using speech recognition, so the learner can have real conversations in a lifelike situation.

The system puts the emphasis on successful communication, not on failed grammar; on fluency over accuracy. A demonstrator is available with two language lesson scenes in three formats; observational, one-on-one and interactive.

SPELL is written in Java, and runs in real-time on a standard PC with dedicated speech recognition (currently Nuance software) and advanced graphics.

SPELL allows learners to practice in a meaningful context where they are part of a scenario. They have control over the development and outcome of each scenario so they experience authentic, contextualised language. The environment builds commitment and improves motivation for learning and further exploration of the language. In addition, students can practice in a low anxiety environment, with a tireless individual tutor who is able to offer feedback.

The university is looking for a  commercial partner with experience in technology-based language learning, who would be interested in developing further lesson modules to offer a comprehensive range of language learning modules to the home and business markets.

For more information, visit the project’s page at:

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