Christian Forssén, Assistant Professor in Subatomic Physics at Chalmers, is one of five Swedish researchers to have been awarded the new “Starting Independent Researcher Grant” by the European Research Council (ERC). Forssén will receive €1.3 million to fund a project in theoretical nuclear and atomic physics.
These grants are awarded to promising young researchers who completed their PhDs no more than nine years ago. The aim is to support up-and-coming research leaders who are about to establish or consolidate an independent research team, and are starting to conduct independent research in Europe. The grant targets promising researchers who have the proven potential of becoming independent research leaders.
“I will initiate a research programme in which we will combine advanced theoretical models and high-performance computing to study quantum many-body systems. We aim for a better understanding of the smallest building blocks of matter, and of the astrophysical processes that synthesise the elements in our universe,” Forssén said.
“We also have an ambition to develop methods that will make a significant impact on connected fields of many-body physics such as studies of ultra cold atomic gases. The first doctoral student positions are being advertised this fall and next year we will start looking for outstanding postdoctoral researchers.”
The complete budget for the Starting Grant competition is €325 million. So far 219 proposals have been selected.