Oxford University’s technology transfer arm Isis Innovation has joined forces with Cosmos Technology to accelerate technology transfer in Bulgaria.
Cosmos Technology, an international commercialisation company, will collaborate with Isis Enterprise to build a core team of up to 15 technology transfer professionals, based in Sofia. The group will establish relationships with leading Bulgarian research institutes including the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia University and government research groups.
The aim is to help these organisations to maximise the value of their intellectual property assets through collaboration agreements, identification of technologies that have commercial value and new business planning. Cosmos will also set up long-term partnership agreements with a number of key research institutes.
David Baghurst, Head of Isis Enterprise, said, “We plan to build a significant commercialisation business in Bulgaria which will be self-sustaining and attract venture investment. Technology will be commercialised through both spin-out and licensing, and the income will be shared with the researchers and institutions.”