Despite the difficult economic climate researchers from ETH Zurich founded 24 spin-out companies in 2009, the most from the university in a single year.
Of these, four of are involved in cleantech, and are developing environmentally-friendly technology. Ten were established in information and communications technology, three each in electrical and mechanical engineering, and a further three in services.
Researchers from ETH Zurich also founded one spin-out each in advanced materials, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals, micro- and nanotechnology, and medical devices. The products these companies set out to commercialise include flying robots, injections on the nanometre scale and a method for measuring the melting properties of ice cream.
The four cleantech companies come from different technical areas: Amphiro for example, develops energy and water-saving software; while Keoto provides engineering services for sustainable building. greenTEG sells flexible and inexpensive thermoelectric equipment that converts waste heat into electricity and ClimeWorks is developing technology for collecting CO2 from the air, storing and delivering it to somewhere where it can be put to good use.
In all, ETH-Zurich spin-offs received over CHF 1.5 million (€1.01 million) worth of national prize money last year, half a million more than in 2008.
The ETH technology transfer office provides advice and support to ETH Zurich researchers in the initial stages of setting up a company. Experienced technology transfer managers help to draw up a business plan or find suitable premises at the Technopark or ETH Zurich, and put company founders in contact with external investors and consultants.
For further information on the individual companies, see