The delegates, from design, science, engineering and technology-based faculties, will discuss the feasibility of implementing a formal University Design Industry Partnership Scheme, as proposed by British Design Innovation (BDI), the trade organisation for industrial designers.
BDI is hosting the consultation event with support from the University for the Creative Arts (UCA), one of the largest specialist universities of art, design, architecture, media and communication in Europe.
“This historic meeting of great minds comprises, I believe, a unique opportunity for BDI’s international designers and top universities in the UK to create world-changing innovations together,” said Uwe Derksen, deputy head of research and knowledge transfer at UCA.
The meeting, on Friday 26 February, follows the publication of ‘Higher Ambitions – the future of universities in a knowledge economy,” published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. This called for universities to develop closer relationships with industry, develop programmes responding to economic challenges and for research to achieve greater impact.
“BDI and its member companies have been successfully brokering research-based innovation and knowledge transfer deals to industry for some years,” said Maxine Horn, CEO of BDI, whose members create new products and processes for clients in aeronautics, biotechnology, consumer electronics, food and drink, medical, nanotechnology, telecommunications and transport.
BDI has developed proven methodologies to support design, innovation and knowledge transfer initiatives, including its Innovation Filter portal for individual originators seeking to bring ideas, technologies and business propositions to market, and Open Innovation Challenge, designed for brand owners seeking external innovation.