The industry group EuropaBio has drawn the attention of the new commission, which began work last week, to the many items on the agenda that concern its members across agriculture, the environment, research and innovation, healthcare, energy, trade and the bio-based economy.
“EuropaBio represents thriving Pharmaceutical, Agricultural, Chemical and Biochemical industries providing European solutions to global problems,” said Willy De Greef, Secretary General for EuropaBio. “We look forward to establishing a dynamic and productive dialogue on these issues with the new Commission and to harnessing the benefits and potential of biotech to further improve the quality of life of Europeans.”
De Greef added, “EuropaBio and its members are committed to delivering excellence in research and innovation across Europe. We aim to produce products of value for European citizens through open dialogue and exchange of ideas and solutions with the European Institutions, Member States and stakeholders.”
De Greef called on the Commission for support in a number of areas:
For Healthcare Biotech - a continuation of the High Level Pharmaceutical Forum, to ensure the development of concrete measures which give patients access to innovative medicines, and which at the same time reward innovation and stimulate the biotech industry in Europe.
For Industrial Biotech – to develop and implement a holistic, integrated policy for the bio-based economy in Europe, incorporating policy on research and innovation, agriculture and rural development, environment, climate action, industry, and trade by 2020.
For Agricultural Biotech – that European farmers are given the freedom to choose whether or not to cultivate GM crops, and consumers are given the option to choose GM products. In addition, that Europe remains a knowledge base for a strong and competitive agricultural sector with access to all innovative tools that can help contribute to sustainable agriculture and combat climate change.