TU Delft: Nine inventions join in the Patent Parade

28 Apr 2010 | Network Updates

Nine inventions from TU Delft are featuring in the Patent Parade, a travelling interactive exhibition to mark the centenary of the Dutch Patents Act.

The parade started on Monday and will visit in ten major libraries in the country. It features 70 inventions that visitors will be able to see, touch, and even try out. The exhibition shows how the inventors have devised solutions to everyday problems and how new products are created.

“Patents play an important role in the innovation process,” says Maria van der Hoeven, Minister of Economic Affairs. “The importance of innovation for economic growth is undeniable.”

TU Delft encourages staff and students to protect their inventions with patents and possibly by forming a spin-out. Further support is available from YES! Delft, the business incubator. Since it was set up five years ago YES! Delft has fostered 72 companies.

The Patent Parade is an initiative of DOK Delft, NL Patent Office in cooperation with Philips, TU Delft and the Best Idea of the Netherlands.

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