NTNU has been awarded the international Open Collaborative Research (OCR) award by IBM, making it the first university in Norway to win such the award.
The award is designed to promote open collaboration between university researchers and IBM, and comes with a cash donation of $100,000 per year for two years, along with access to IBM research personnel. The Georgia Institute of Technology, Rutgers University, and Columbia University are among the other institutions that have won the award since its creation in 2006.
NTNU Rector Torbjørn Digernes accepted the OCR award on behalf of NTNU from the CEO of IBM Norway, Morten Throkildsen. Most of the award money will be channelled into NTNU's Centre for Integrated Operations, where NTNU and IBM collaborate on the development of support technology for the Norwegian oil industry.
The OCR award is designed to bolster research between IBM and universities in computer science, engineering, mathematics, and other areas. The programme promotes the development of open source software, related industry standards, and greater interoperability between systems. The fruits from the collaboration between IBM and NTNU will be freely available to maximise the opportunity for others to build on the results.