Chalmers joins FP7 software portability project PEPPHER

09 Jun 2010 | Network Updates

Chalmers University is contributing to the newly launched European FP7 project PEPPHER (PErformance Portability and Programmability of HEterogeneous many-core aRchitectures), a research programme to address the emergence of highly parallel, heterogeneous, multicore processors systems.

Multicore processors with significantly different architectures and capabilities not only reflect different application needs, such as graphics, signal processing, numerical acceleration, and power constraints, but also a potentially critical lack of convergence to a common base architecture upon which parallel applications can be built.

This poses major challenges to the European software industry. It is imperative that future many-core architectures can be fully exploited without the need to develop applications from scratch with each new architecture.

In particular, there is an urgent need, which PEPPHER will seek to address, for techniques that enable the efficient, productive and portable programming of heterogeneous many-core systems.

PEPPHER will run until the end of 2012, bringing together the universities of Vienna, Chalmers, Linkoeping, and Karlsruhe, with France’s Institut national de recherche en informatique et automatique (INRIA), two European SMEs, Code play and Movidius, and Intel’s European research lab.

Chalmers’ research work on the project will coordinated by Philippas Tsigas of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

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