Moxoff has spun out of Politecnico di Milano with support from the international consultancy, Warrant Group, to commercialise computer models and algorithms developed in Laboratorio MOX in the Politecnico’s Department of Mathematics.
MOX builds models and algorithms for simulation, study, forecast, optimisation and control of physical phenomena and industrial processes.
Alfio Quarteroni, Chairman and Scientific Director of the new company, said, “The spin-off has been created to enhance mathematical, statistical and modelling know-how, and projects already developed by MOX. Moxoff’s mission is to optimise these resources, adapting them to companies’ requirements and to create [specific] projects for the competitive development of products and processes.”
Moxoff, based at Politecnico di Milano, inherits and enhances the skills developed by Laboratorio MOX for use in a wide variety of fields including:
Advanced computational fluid dynamics, including fluid-structure interactions, modelling of polymer extrusion processes, and so on;
Biomedical applications, including modelling blood flow in arteries and the release of pharmaceuticals from drug-eluting stents;
Textiles, including modelling of mechanical behaviour of fabrics;
Green energy, for example optimising the heat efficiency of computer data centres;
Biostatistics, including bioequivalence studies;
Data mining of administrative databases, for example interrogating clinical records for health technology assessments.
Moxoff says there is a high level of cross-fertilisation and the knowledge and mathematical models developed in one sector may be used to solve problems in other, completely different, sectors
Ottavio Crivaro, manager of the Warrant Group’s technology transfer division and Managing Director of the new company, explains, “The strategic plan is split into two stages. Moxoff does not require significant financial investments and can rely on the know-how and projects developed by MOX. Therefore in the first three years, our aim is to create an established and well-known company that will operate at break-even. After the first three years, once we have achieved this goal, we shall establish a strong development plan for the following five years.”