Chalmers Innovation Seed Fund invests in four companies

23 Jun 2010 | News


Chalmers Innovation Seed fund has announced that it has made seed investments in four start-ups, Cape Group, Capeco, CRAFT Animation and Protaurius.

The Cape Group sells a proprietary visualisation tool for faster analysis and problem solving in process industries, while Capeco is developing protection against mould and algae on the exterior of building. The products preserve paint colours and are more environmentally friendly than existing products.

Meanwhile, CRAFT Animation’s technology enables real-time production of 3D motion, and Protaurius manufactures, markets and sells bullet-proof clothing.

Chalmers Innovation Seed Fund invests in companies spun out of the university by its technology transfer arm Chalmers Innovation. The investors in the Chalmers fund are the European Investment Fund, the Sixth AP Fund, Lansforsakringar, Chalmers and Chalmers Innovation

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