UEF to interview six applicants for academic rector position

21 Aug 2019 | Network Updates

The Board of the University of Eastern Finland selected on 21 August 2019 Markku Hauta-Kasari, Risto Honkonen, Maria Lähteenmäki, Tapio Määttä, Elina Oksanen and Asla Pitkänen to be interviewed for the position of Academic Rector. The interviews will take place on 5 September. The Board seeks to appoint the new Academic Rector on 1 October.

Nine people applied for the position of Academic Rector of the University of Eastern Finland by the closing of the deadline on 15 August:

  • Markku Hauta-Kasari, PhD, Professor of Computer Science, Head of School, University of Eastern Finland
  • Risto Honkonen, Doctor of Education, Director of Safety and Security Cluster, University of Tampere
  • Silja Kostia, PhD, Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Lahti University of Applied Sciences
  • Kimmo Leppänen, Doctor of Science, Technology and Application Manager, Mettler Toledo GmbH
  • Maria Lähteenmäki, PhD, Professor of History, University of Eastern Finland
  • Tapio Määttä, LLD, Professor of Environmental Law, Head of School, University of Eastern Finland
  • Elina Oksanen, PhD, Professor of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, Vice Dean, University of Eastern Finland
  • Asla Pitkänen, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor of Neurobiology, University of Eastern Finland
  • Hannu Saarenmaa, Doctor of Agriculture and Forestry, CEO and Co-owner, Sertifer Consulting Oy Ltd

The Academic Rector works in partnership with the Rector and is responsible for matters relating to teaching and research. The main office of the Academic Rector will be in Joensuu.

The term of office of the university’s current Academic Rector, Harri Siiskonen, will last until the end of this year, and he has not applied for an additional term.

The Board appointed Rector Jukka Mönkkönen for a second five-year term earlier this spring. The term of office of the rectors will start in the beginning of 2020, lasting until the end of 2024.

For further information, please contact:
Chair of the UEF Board Lea Ryynänen-Karjalainen, tel. +358 50 337 712

This communication was first published 21 August 2019 by the University of Eastern Finland.

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