Huawei: 2020 ‘make or break’ for EU 5G leadership

17 Jan 2020 | Network Updates

2020 will see 5G gather speed across Europe. For successful deployment, an inclusive and facts-based approach will be key, finds debate held in Brussels.

“As Europe is set to take the decisive steps towards deploying 5G this year, there is an urgent need for action: achieving 5G leadership will require strengthened trust, global collaboration and common security standards,” said Abraham Liu, Huawei’s Chief Representative to the EU Institutions. “I look forward to discussing how we can bring all these elements together with Viviane Reding at our Chinese New Year celebration on 4 February.”

Mr Liu’s remarks came ahead of Huawei’s lunch debate “2020, the year of 5G for Europe” held at the company’s Cybersecurity Centre in Brussels on 16 January. The participants discussed how policymakers, operators and technology providers can get Europe on track towards speedy and inclusive 5G deployment.

Facts-based trust

“We look forward to the release of the EU’s 5G security ‘toolbox’, which we can expect to cover the entire mobile eco-system, including vendors, operators, service providers and authorities. It will create common ground for building next-generation connectivity,” said Detlef Eckert, Vice-President of Global Policy Affairs, Huawei, speaking at the event. He called on Europe to embrace global technology while strengthening its own innovation capabilities and presented Huawei’s recent 5G Security White Paper, which sets out 15 concrete recommendations for achieving fact-based trust.

“Huawei has maintained its place among the top five R&D investors in the world, according to the EU’s latest Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard. This ranking reflects our significant investments in this field: Huawei has 23 research facilities in 12 countries in Europe, and collaborates with 150 universities in Europe. As a fully integrated part of Europe’s ICT ecosystem, we are one of the drivers behind efforts to achieve 5G that is truly European in every sense of the word,” stressed David Harmon, Director EU Public Affairs, Huawei.

This article was first published 16 January 2020 by Huawei. 

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