Sorbonne and Nanyang Technological University in Singapore boost partnership

04 Oct 2018 | Network Updates

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Sorbonne University will be holding their third workshop, October 3-5, 2018 on the Pierre & Marie Curie Campus. These workshops have been designed to strengthen the collaboration between NTU and SU. 

With agreements covering education, co-supervised PhDs and research, the NTU/Sorbonne University partnership has been expanding since the first Memorandum of Understanding was signed in 2010. Over the years, Sorbonne University has sent 28 bachelor’s and master’s students to study at NTU as part of their international exchange. In addition, Sorbonne University and NTU have a strong dual PhD program. Recruitment to the dual degree program started in 2015/16 and we have today 11 PhD students enrolled in the program. So far the focus has been on physics, materials science, chemistry and energy. The latest development on the NTU side is the master’s in Material Science and Nanotechnologies at the BioInterfaces, which is taught in English by faculties from NTU and Sorbonne University and was launched last year. 

The research collaboration between NTU and Sorbonne University covers several areas in Science, Engineering and Humanities. Notably, the Sinergie research network, dedicated to renewable energy, includes NTU and the private ENGIE lab in Singapore, and on the French side, 25 laboratories at 25 institutions. In physics, Sorbonne University was part of the initiators of Majulab, an International Joint Research Unit (UMI) under co-supervision by the CNRS, UCA, Sorbonne University, NUS and NTU, which works on quantum issues at the Center for Quantum Technologies in Singapore. Since 2016, SU has been officially associated with Majulab through the creation of the axis CMI Chemistry, Material & Interfaces and the extension of Majulab to Chemistry.

The workshop location has alternated between the partner sites: Paris in September 2015, Singapore in June 2016 and Paris in October 2018. The latest workshop’s program is divided in interconnected sessions, and includes short talks and long discussion sessions to favor the emergence of new interactions. The workshop will also host the launching of Majulab-Paris, the Sorbonne mirror site of the International Joint Research Unit Majulab. 

For more information:

This release was first published 1 October 2018 by Sorbonne University.

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