Huawei consortium reaches 3Gb/s record in Turin 5G trial

15 Feb 2018 | Network Updates

In the latest tests held in Turin, 5G reaches the record speed of 3Gb/s and it is ready to change the concept of urban mobile connection.

After the kick off on November 8th 2017, TIM-Fastweb-Huawei consortium that won the 5G trial in Bari and Matera called by the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) on the 3.6-3.8 GHz spectrum frequencies foreseen by the announcement, marks a new important milestone.

Speed of connection, latency and efficiency in the use of the spectrum were the indicators object of the test of the first data connection, tested on a Network chain end to end 5G including the terminal, the new Radio access and the Core Network.

A net throughput of over 3Gb/s has been achieved, considering only 100 MHz of bandwidth used: an important result, in line with the latest version of the 3GPP standard, approved last December. Reaching a spectral efficiency of (30 b/s)/Hz, about 7 times compared to the more advanced 4G technology, the cost per bit is thus drastically reduced.

The tests were carried out in Turin laboratory. Each bit took an end-to-end crossing time of the network chain (latency) of only 2.6 milliseconds, about 10 times less than a bit is used to take in the most advanced LTE technology.

The positive outcome of the first data connection sets the stage for the first site to be switched on in the coming weeks.

This release was first published 11 February 2018 by Huawei.

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