A joint action on antimicrobial resistance and healthcare-associated infections (EU-JAMRAI), bringing together member states, international organisations, institutes and universities to tackle the threat will be launched on 13 September, at the French Ministry of Health in Paris.
The joint action will build on existing initiatives to reduce the burden of antimicrobial resistance. More than 44 partners and 22 stakeholders from all over Europe are involved.
The main objective is to join forces to build a European programme and to define common policies to fight AMR and control hospital-acquired infections, in line with ongoing EU and international policies.
Many national initiatives already exist. EU-JAMRAI will look for the best programmes and examine how cooperation at EU level can improve national AMR-related policies.
The programme will also identify and test evidence-based measures to address AMR and hospital-acquired infections in different contexts, and based on the outcome of these tests, provide recommendations to policy-makers.
In addition, EU-JAMRAI will bring together the different networks of policy makers, experts and organisations on AMR and hospital-acquired infections working in different European and international initiatives and promote the One Health approach, through a closer collaboration, understanding and trust between the animal health and human health sector.
The programme has a €4 million budget to support member states in the development and implementation of national strategies; ensure a common approach at European level on the implementation of a global action plan; produce guidance documents and tools allowing member states to step up the fight against AMR at national and local levels; and enhance the implementation of organisational change and/or other methods to enable sustainable improvements in practice by health care professionals.