Canada, Netherlands and US: Interpreting patient-reported outcomes data to patients and clinicians

07 Feb 2017 | News
Patient-reported outcomes have proved to be useful for better healthcare management and clinical performance.

Patient-reported outcomes have proved to be useful for better healthcare management and clinical performance. However, an issue often arises when patients and health professionals have to interpret the meaning of these measures. This international study examined ways to facilitate interpretation of PRO data to patients and clinicians. Based on a survey of 1,113 respondents, the study identified the most useful format in which to present PROs in terms of accuracy and clarity.

“We previously investigated formats for individual patient PRO data presentation as part of a larger research agenda. Both patients and clinicians preferred line graphs of scores over time compared with other tested formats. However, two key interpretation challenges emerged: 1) the directionality of scoring (whether higher = more or higher = better) and 2) highlighting possible worrying scores (clinical alerts). Using an innovative, iterative approach, we partnered with research participant volunteers to develop formats to address these interpretation challenges.”

Read the full report





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