An exclusive Science|Business webinar (15:00-16:00 CET/9:00-10:00 EST)
*This webinar is being organised by Science|Business, primarily for members of its international Network. As capacity is limited, non-members can request to participate, with feedback to follow as soon as possible.
Following Donald Trump’s surprise re-election to the White House, the research community has been struggling to understand what it could mean for US R&D policy and for global scientific cooperation. The fear, as reported in the Science|Business news service: budget cuts, visa restrictions and tough security will hit American academia, and global cooperation will diminish in climate, health and other politically charged fields. This Science|Business online event brings together a group of transatlantic policy leaders and experts to decipher the Trumpian runes – and to discuss what can be done about it.

*This webinar is being organised by Science|Business, primarily for members of its international Network. As capacity is limited, non-members can request to participate, with feedback to follow as soon as possible.