Brussels   |     |   By invitation only

Pandemic preparedness: How will the international treaty help respond to unforeseen shocks?

A Science|Business closed-door hybrid roundtable, in partnership with Sanofi (14:30 – 17:00 CET), followed by networking drinks

The COVID crisis profoundly transformed the health policy landscape and collaboration mechanisms in Europe and the rest of the world. Beyond necessary short-term measures, it is now time for national, European and international policy makers to join forces ahead of future outbreaks.

In March 2022, the Council of the European Union adopted a decision to authorise the opening of negotiations for an international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. This legally-binding “treaty” is meant to not only ensure a long-term political engagement from national governments but also help define clear processes in terms of public-private collaboration – especially for health supplies and services - and enhance a coordinated approach to facilitate the discovery and development of vaccines, treatments and diagnosis. It is now up to the so-called Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft the future pandemic treaty, in the framework of World Health Organisation (WHO). The INB is expected to deliver a progress report to the World Health Assembly in 2023, and a draft agreement in May 2024. However, as the INB Bureau Vice-Chair Viroj Tangcharoensathien declared after the first INB meeting in the summer 2022: “the smooth running of the meeting marked the honeymoon period, the tough challenge of negotiating the content of the treaty still lays ahead.” The drafting process, starting with the zero draft expected in February 2023, will reveal whether the WHO’s 194 member countries can align beyond general principles and lay out a concrete pandemic action plan.

At the EU level, Sweden, that holds the EU Presidency in the first semester 2023, is committing to “promote effective EU coordination during negotiations in the World Health Organisation”. But a lot more than the treaty itself is at stake since EU institutions, member states, and other key stakeholders need to agree on a common approach and address several key questions:

  • What is the role of the EU in the drafting and negotiating process of the treaty? How will the ratifying process work in practice?
  • What are the policy steps required at the EU level, in agreement with member states, to align EU programmes (e.g. EU4Health, HERA, Horizon Europe) and the EU Global Health Strategy with the future agreement?
  • What level of coordination is there between HERA and its sister organisations around the world (e.g. BARDA in the US, SCARDA in Japan, the African Pandemic Preparedness and Response Authority)?
  • Who will be involved in the treaty’s implementation?  What will be the role of industry in this future framework of actions? Will the implementation allow supportive, practical, voluntary collaborative models on the model of the Berlin Declaration? How to make sure the new treaty builds on and leverage efficient pre-existing instruments and collaboration mechanisms especially in the field of surveillance and early detection?
  • Developing a pandemic response requires sharing of pathogens, biological samples, and genomic sequence data. How to make sure this becomes a reality across the globe navigating bilateral restrictions set by the Nagoya Protocol, and in which framework? 
  • With the rising probability for zoonotic diseases to be transmitted to humans and trigger pandemics, biodiversity and future pandemic risks are fully intertwined. To what extent can the UN Biodiversity Convention, the regional biodiversity strategies and the pandemic treaty converge towards an efficient mechanism to prevent futures pandemics? 

On 23 March 2023, Science|Business, in partnership of Sanofi, will gather high-level stakeholders from academia, research, industry and policy, actively working on prevention, preparedness and responses to future pandemics and formulate a set of policy recommendations to feed into the treaty’s drafting process. 

Featured guests
Kathleen Van Brempt
Member EP, Chair of special committee on COVID pandemic, European Parliament
Wolfgang Philipp
Acting Director, DG Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA), European Commission
Sylvie Briand
Director, Global Infectious Hazard Preparedness (GIH), WHO Emergency Preparedness
Robin Robinson
Chief Scientific Officer, Renovacare & Ex-BARDA Director
Lyn Morgan
Global Public Affairs, Sanofi
Hugo-Maria Schally
Adviser for International Environmental Negotiations, DG ENVI, European Commission
Americo B. Zampetti
Head of the Economic Section, Delegation to the UN and other international organisations in Geneva
Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding
Acting Head, ZEPAI, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut
Nadia Khelef
Strategy Coordinator Emerging Infectious Diseases, The General Secretariat for Investment, Government of France
Ricardo Baptista Leite
Member of the Portuguese Parliament, Health and Foreign Affairs Committees; President and Founder, UNITE
Albert Osterhaus
Chairman, Board of Directors, ESWI
Thomas Cueni
Director General, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations
Antoni Plasència
Director General, IS Global
Jonathan Ewbank
Director General, European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic Agents
Esther Krofah
Executive Vice President, Health, Milken Institute
Neren Rau
Director of Policy, Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
Haik Nikogosian
Global Health Expert; Former (Founding) Head, WHO FCTC Secretariat
Kei Mori
London Liaison Director, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED)
Francine Ntoumi
President, Congolese Foundation for Medical Research (FCRM), Republic of Congo
Lorenzo Montrasio
Senior Scientific Officer, Human Rights and Biomedicine Division, Council of Europe
Sibilia Quilici
Executive Director, Vaccines Europe, EFPIA
Karen Mossman
Vice-President, Research, McMaster University
Virginie De Klippel
Global Relationship Leader, Zurich Insurance Company
Carsten Claussen
Head of Hamburg Location, Fraunhofer ITMP
Catherine Guinard
Policy & Advocacy, Wellcome Trust
Mathieu Epardaud
Senior Researcher, French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)
Christopher Dye
Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford
Indré Karciauskaité
Europe Policy Director, AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Steven Van Gucht
Head of the Laboratory of Viral Diseases, Sciensano

Format: An interactive discussion between all participants, around 3 main themes to be fed by selected guests. Moderator: Maryline Fiaschi (Science Business)

14:00    Welcome coffee & registration

14:30     Welcome

14:35     Get ready: What can realistically be achieved globally?

A scene setter on the rationale for formulating a world-wide response to prevent future pandemic and related challenges

15:30     Coffee break

15:45     The power of public-private partnerships

An open discussion on how pandemic preparedness can benefit from multi-stakeholders mechanisms involving universities, hospitals, research organisations, funding bodies, small and large companies. Collaboration areas may include surveillance, pathogen access, R&D/Clinical Trials, regulatory convergence, harnessing manufacturing capacity

16:25    Breaking silos: How to address pandemic preparedness, climate challenges and biodiversity risks in a more coordinated way

An open discussion with scientific and policy experts about the importance of addressing future outbreaks through a mutlidisciplinary lens and improving data and knowledge sharing across disciplines. How can the treaty and other relevant pieces of legislation allow a better convergence of global climate, environment and health-related objectives and programmes?

16:55     Conclusions

17:00     Networking drinks

Practical Information

COMET Meetings - Louise
Pl. Stéphanie 20, 1050 Bruxelles


Contact Information

For further information, please contact Denitsa Nikolova at [email protected] 
